Work completed on pipework over 1m in diameter

With over 170,000 new houses built every year, ensuring that the drainage infrastructure is fully operational and running as required is essential.

When a new housing development started experiencing issues, they called on the experience and knowledge of Jet Aire to solve the problem.

The situation

Initial surveys on the new-build site showed the drainage system in place was in danger of causing flooding issues.

Flooding not only creates a significant problem for residents, it also impacts financially on the Water Authority responsible for the drains, with fines ranging from £19,000 to £56,000 per house imposed on Water Authorities with badly maintained and flooding drainage. In order for adoption of the drains to be agreed, the remedials need to be rectified.

A section of large diameter pipework (1050mm) spanning 130m was highlighted as the main area of concern and needed immediate rectification work to prevent damage to the houses in the area.

Jet Aire crews initially carried out a further CCTV review and subsequently jetted the pipework to give a clearer indication of the remediation work required.

On the recommendation of the Independent Drainage Board, the 130m section of pipe was identified as a priority to fix, to not only prevent any disruption, but also to expand the lifespan of the network and eliminate any problems in the future.

The solution

The project was a challenging one, not only as access could only be gained via eight manholes along the route of the pipe, but also because the location was on a live construction site.

However, our experience as one of the market leaders in CIPP lining meant the crew had the knowledge and equipment to install the new line with minimum disruption.

The section of damaged pipework was removed, cleaned and prepared for CIPP lining.

The liner specified in this job was sourced from our partners at Saertex, a global brand leader in ultraviolet-cured CIPP manufacturing. Our highly trained team of engineers installed the lining using the latest curing technology from Prokasro.

The work was completed within deadline to the satisfaction of the client, and, more importantly, the residents were not disrupted by unnecessary noise and digging.

The decision to reline the pipework rather than digging it up and carrying out a full replacement saved the client in excess of £150,000, leaving them safe in the knowledge that the work will keep the system running without any issues for 50+ years.

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